Our practice is a research active practice. This means we actively support and conduct different types of research with the intention of improving outcomes for patients. New treatments, technologies, care approaches and devices all need to be carefully and safely tested in real life healthcare environments. Clinical research in these environments is separately funded and adds value to patient care.
The COVID-19 pandemic illustrated the importance of clinical research, which was crucial to the development of vaccines and treatments that have saved millions of lives globally. Clinical research is essential for discovering new treatments for diseases, as well as new ways to detect, diagnose, and reduce the chance of developing the disease and by improving the efficiency and efficacy of care. It can be a vital tool in tackling waiting list backlogs and reducing the pressure on the NHS.
You may be approached or invited to consider taking part in research from time to time. Participation in research is completely voluntary and your decision to take part or not will not affect your clinical care in any way.
Our practice works with the National Institute for Health and Care Research who provide support to enable us to offer research to our patients. Every research study is different, and patient involvement varies depending on the type of study. You will be provided with information on the study to help you decide whether you want to be part of it or not. Below are some examples of what you may be asked to do for a research study:
* Complete a questionnaire
* Take part in an interview
* Use a new therapy / device / website
* Take a treatment under supervision
In the UK, there are over 4000 studies in healthcare research that are underway, aimed at improving the health of patients, or addressing the barriers to good health. Ideally, our research team would like to discuss with you about all research opportunities that may be available to you, however, given the number of opportunities available, we may sometimes send you invitations to take part in research without discussing this with you directly.
We only take part in research that would be of benefit to our patients and in collaboration with trusted research groups. Your health is our priority! We believe that patients who participate in research studies benefit from doing so. Patients who decide that they do not want to take part are totally at liberty to do so, and for these patients we will continue to treat them in line with current best practice.
You can find out more information about research at the National Institute for Health Research website
Research Ready
Research Ready® is a quality assurance programme for all research-active UK GP practices. It is designed in line with the UK Research Governance Framework’s legal, ethical, professional, and patient safety requirements. The programme serves to provide information, support and guidance to accredited practices in research; both to assist with meeting the requirements above, and with considering and conducting research.
Issa Medical has been officially granted Research Ready accreditation to reflect out commitment to high quality research.

Active Studies
Acne Care Online – The Acne Care Online programme aims to create and test an online toolkit to support young people effectively treat their acne.
INDIGO Community – All patients over the age of 16 who have had any type of cancer in the past.
PETRA – This study is aiming to find out if pregabalin is an effective anti-anxiety drug when used on its own.