Health Promotion Day – Thank You To All Involved!

Firstly, Sharon and I would like to say a huge thank you to all of you who came and made our initial health promotion day such a success. This demonstrated great teamwork.

When we first met with our Patient Participation Group (PPG) and discussed putting on the health promotion day neither of us imagined just how successful everyone could make it.

We really appreciate the members of the PPG who gave up their time to man the refreshment stand,  the talks to patients about PNE Sporting Memories and Walk and Talk, Osteoporosis and those of you who just came in to see if we were ok and offer your support.

Another special thanks to Chris (our Social Prescriber), Andy’s Man Club, PNE Community Trust, Slimming World, Healthwatch and Maternity and Neonatal Voices Partnership for coming in and helping to make the day the success it was.

The feedback we have had from patients has been really positive, with a lot asking when we will be doing it again! So we will hopefully be looking at potential dates for September 2024.

Thank you again to all involved!

Ann-Marie Donaldson Nixon

Quality Assurance Manager