Baby Loss Awareness Week – 9th to 15th October 2023

Baby Loss Awareness Week 2023 is a significant and poignant event that aims to raise awareness about pregnancy and infant loss while offering support to grieving families. This annual campaign provides an opportunity for individuals and organisations to come together, share stories, and promote understanding and compassion for those who have experienced the devastating loss of a baby.


What is Baby Loss Awareness Week 2023?

Baby Loss Awareness Week 2023 is a week-long event dedicated to breaking the silence surrounding pregnancy and infant loss. It provides a platform for individuals and families to share their experiences, raise awareness, and offer support to one another. During this week, various activities and initiatives are organised to promote open conversations about baby loss and to ensure that those affected receive the support they need.


How to get involved with Baby Loss Awareness Week 2023?

Participating in Baby Loss Awareness Week can help raise awareness about pregnancy and infant loss and provide comfort to grieving families. Here are some meaningful ways to get involved:

  1. Wear a Pink and Blue Ribbon: The pink and blue ribbon is the symbol of Baby Loss Awareness Week. Wearing it shows your support and solidarity with those who have experienced baby loss.
  2. Attend Virtual or Local Events: Look for online events, candlelight vigils, memorial services, or charity walks in your area to participate.
  3. Share Your Story: If you have experienced baby loss, consider sharing your story to raise awareness and offer hope to others who may be going through a similar experience.
  4. Support Baby Loss Charities: Donate to or volunteer with organisations that provide support and resources to families affected by baby loss.
  5. Illuminate the Wave of Light: On 15th October at 7pm, light a candle in remembrance of babies who have died too soon, creating a wave of light across the world.
  6. Use Social Media: Share information, resources, and messages of support on social media platforms using relevant hashtags.
  7. Offer a Listening Ear: Be there for friends or family members who have experienced baby loss, offering a compassionate and understanding presence.


For further information